The wire cutter

Grocery store shelves have been cleaned out of supplies, despite the fact that there is currently no lack of food in the country. Although the empty shelves may be worrisome, there is no need to grab that last box of keto pea protein linguine if it’s not something you already eat.
Panic-buying every jar of pasta sauce in the store may also affect those who don’t have the means or the space to stockpile, in particular people who don’t have the financial ability to spend hundreds of dollars on groceries at once. “That is probably about half of us, especially during this time when many of us are not working or can’t work, with limited incomes or no incomes coming in,” says Lorrene Ritchie, director of the Nutrition Policy Institute at the University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. “The last thing a family in that situation can do is go out and spend $500 on groceries.”
Here are tips on how to shop for food responsibly, without overstocking your bunker.
from Wirecutter: Reviews for the Real World
via the wire cutter
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